Men's Stuff of the All 'stuff Hunt

The All 'stuff Hunt is ON and there's lots o' stuff. Most gifts are $0L. 
When I'm not on the hunt I'm relaxing over here at Florence at Low Tide, a really nice place to visit. The link to the Stuff site and Florence at the bottom.

Hi nice kitty cat. I'm wearing the summery shirt from :::boyberry:::

 An open market by an open sea. Remember, don't handle the fruit, that's the vendor's job. It prevents waste by reducing bruising also, right now I'd rather the vendors' gloved hand than many bare hands picking through the produce.

 All in one pants, shirt and suspenders by  Munereia. The trick here is to also grab the Stay at Home Club set from the store. Then you have two huds full of combos, bright shirts, subtle stripes etc.

Pink party ready.
Some cheer from

Suspenders are really on the radar this spring.
I like this set from [UD] Underdogs called Mr. Rogers. The shirt and tie have a nice hand drawn quality. 

Take care guys and gals!


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