
Showing posts from May, 2015

Hair Rise

Hair: [taketomi] Group Gift   Join free group and check notices,  gift should be there for about 10 more days.

More Grrrrrr

For Him Hunt  Skin: Tellaq    Eugene with over 50! skin variations is on Midnight Mania Go slap this rare offer before it's gone. Slap Slap Clap Clap Thanks Tellaq Shirt: Vengeful Threads   V-Spot  =Felon=  The Stable: Never Totally Dead Salty Captain's Chair and Table: ~ASW~ Book Case: Stitches Creations  Shirt: Trashed Click on the pic for a closer look. Thus concludes my venture into the  For Him Hunt . Thanks to the store owners and designers  for all the great stuff! Donkey is not included,  it's from United InshCon and it poops gold. Not free. HeeHaw


For Him Hunt Shirt and Pants: Face Palm Shirt: Get Frocked Jacket with shirt HUD/Pants/Sneaks: Manstuff. Shirt and Shorts: Barefoot Apparel Shirt: Horr Pants: PekAs

Hit A Wrinkle

Wrinkled Shirt: Cruz  Group Gift Free to join Cap:   Sunnyvale Trailer Park   Free Shorts: Cruz Group Gift  Pants/ Shoes: (Polo Paul) Midnight Mania (includes a sweater)  Pants: Cruz  25L All Tee Shirts are a gift from  .::C::. Carami The package includes a hud for colour changes  as well as four different shirt styles.

Everything But The Bow Tie

Orange*Pekoe 4L

Gingham Style

Contemplating a checkered past.   Gingham Hunt Chair: HJM Designs Shirt: BG Minimarket  Suit/Hat: RM Creations Bench: Sickly Sweet Shirt/Jeans: Firelight Creations

Group Gifties

Curves Shapes and Skins has two May group gifts for you plus a skin for the SLF+O group.  Curves group is 50L to join. SLF+O is free to join. 7 Deadly S[K]ins  Group is 50L to join and  includes access to Midnight Mania board, Lucky Chairs, Picks etc. V-Spot Group is 69L to join Delirium Style  Boots come with a HUD Group is 99L to join Skin: Curves Shapes and Skins May Group Gift Glasses: Fishy Strawberry Fameshed 3rd Anniversary Event. Group is free to join. Shorts: SF Design Group Gift  Includes long shorts and capris   Group is 100 L to join

Three Load

Where did I get this beard?  Why I liberated it from the Bearded Lady's costume at  Footpaw Industries for the American Horror Story Hunt Skin: Tellaq   Bussey is on the Midnight Mania  Join free group to play. Shirt: Black Label Menswear  Group Gift - Free to join Pants: OMG    Pants come with a HUD for  6 choice textures. Mix It Up Hunt 3L  Shirt: Fe Style   Mix It Up Hunt 3L   Complete Outfit: Deadly Mouse   Mix It Up Hunt 3L Kelli Kreations : The dark shirt from the Light Side vs. Dark Side Hunt Kelli Kreations : The light shirt. Pants: Santorini Club Store  Comes with a hud for two choices as seen above and below. Marketplace   L$15 ya, I know I'm a cool cat. I'm wearing this tank so you know too. Tank: LOolOo's + Platypus Puss + Boots Hunt

Getting Along

Dog: TuTy's   Marketplace 0L Cat: Bipolar Kitty   Group Gift, free to join  Shirt: GIOMEN at Cosmopolitan Sales Room ,    includes jeans and boots 70L sale ends May 10 Pants: Manstuff   Lucky Chair No group required Skin: Tellaq Gordon on Midnight Mania  16 skins and other stuff. Group is free to join.