Pizza Specials!

Hey, who doesn't want to own a pizza place?

Yup I am jumping for joy outside Ray's Pizza; serving up delicious old school pies.
Ray's by alh is on the marketplace for 1L. alh has a variety of fun buildings for 1L.

The shirt I'm wearing is a group gift from
//Ascend. The group is 25L to join and there 3 items for guys.

My shoes are from =Rebellion= via the first annual SLF&O Hunt !
The SLF&O Hunt is big but they have nicely indicated which stores are offering male or unisex prizes. 
Thanks SLF&O!

mmmm zzzzzaaa cookin' up real nice in the wood fired oven.

Pizza tee is from Lexico. Group gift, free to join.

My hat is one of the many group gifts from Contraption. The group is 1L to join.
This hat comes with a HUD to give you lots of combos.

Just waiting patiently in my Contraption hat and SLF&O Hunt shirt from //Ascend.

I made my hat yet another colour and paired it with this hands in the pocket jacket and shirt by
EXMACHINA. The tool bag (which is difficult to use due to my hands being in my pockets) is by
:::NOIR:::. There's a closed bag version as well. Both the jacket and tool bag are in the SLF&O Hunt. The morphine kit (on your right) is another group gift from Contraption.

Relaxing by the oven in a Meva shirt, and pants from Bakaboo.
Both are gifts for L'homme members this month. The group is free to join.
I'm loafing on yet another great SLF&O Hunt prize, the "Hunter West" sitting chest by  [CIRCA].

I made this exact sword with a rotting fence picket when I was a young warrior in training. 
The sword is by -MUSU- and the spikey helmet from [NC] can both be found along the SLF&O Hunt trail.
Finally, both the jacket and briefs are L'Homme gifts at Gabriel. 
Oh my pizza is ready. Ciao!


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