Tellaq Like It Is !

Two skins by Tellaq featured in this post. 
One is on at the Midnight Board in the main store, 
the other is for sale at TMD (The Men's Department)

This shirt is the 1000 members gift from V-Spot. It's called the Lumberjack. 
I'm not going to say anything further and you probably shouldn't either, 
just run the jokes quietly through your mind.

The Tellaq skin for sale at TDM comes with mesh jacket and pants.

Suit : B Barbie Style  The New Beginning of 2015 Hunt 

Shirt: *Mirus* Group Gift. Group is free to join.
Skin: Tellaq Lee at the Men's Department. 
Lee includes a shape (not shown),  
5 choices of facial hair styles as well
 as a jacket and pants. 
Bargain! $300L!

Shirt:  ::Koala Designs::  TNBH 2015
Skin: Tellaq Miller (shape included, not shown)
 Midnight Mania. 
Join free group to play.


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