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Welcome to a whole bunch of freeness! Thanks to all the very generous proprietors. Ok let's get going with some skins. Above is Curves Shapes and Skins January gift for members of SL Frees and Offers. The gift is just outside the store. Check out their group gifts inside the store too and a couple of L20 skins on the counter. Great stuff! Badda Boom Did you join 7 Deadly S[K]ins last month for $L5? If not, it's now $L50. Still, a very reasonable amount for terrific skins as monthly group gifts, midnight manias and lucky boards. 7 Deadly S[K]ins also participates in lots of hunts. Always something going on over there. Demonic Judas skin is on the mania board now but he is a friendly sort. Badda Bing Jacket and trunk. :::EhR::: has closed it's inworld shop but remains on the marketplace. Love the pic on the Tee. Check out the little scribble on google translate from Polish. Over ...